Best of Shareware
Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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1. What is Steve's Resumé Program?
2. Running SRP
3. Entering resumé data
4. Printing your resumé
5. Registration Information
Steve's Resumé Program, or SRP, is designed to make resumé creation easier.
Though it is not the single most important thing to getting a new job, a resumé
is one of the things you will need to have in your job search. And having your
resumé right puts your best foot forward. If your resumé commands attention,
then you, too, will command attention.
SRP allows you to keep information about yourself and your experience on file
and on hand at all times. SRP can provide you with a complete and up to date
resumé for distribution to all potential employers.
SRP has many advantages over several similar commercial and shareware products
on the market. First, it is shareware, so if you don't like it after trying it
out, you haven't shelled out 30 or 100 bucks for something you won't use.
Second, if you do use it and you register it, you get a great, warm feeling
inside that you are a part of the shareware phenomenon. Third, all of SRP's
data is in one file - and you name it. Call it whatever you want, and store it
wherever you want. There's no wondering if a mystery file belongs to SRP.
Fourth, SRP uses a simple Function Key interface. Press one key to get where
you want - not ten UpArrows and then an ENTER. And lastly, SRP gives you as
much flexibility as I could think to put in.
This manual will explain how to use SRP to its fullest potential, selling
yourself and your talents by making you shine. So read on, and get a job!
To run SRP, you need the following:
- an IBM PC compatible computer
- color video (CGA or better)
- 256K RAM
- a printer is optional, but highly recommended
SRP's requirements are really quite simple and aside from the color video
requirement, quite low. SRP, then, will run on just about any IBM PC
compatible system. To begin SRP, type SRP at the DOS prompt:
The SRP intro screen will appear. The intro screen will show the program
name, the version number, and the copyright notice. Press any key to go on to
the main menu, which is show below:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Main Menu │
│ │
│ F1. Edit Resumé │
│ F2. Load Saved Resumé │
│ F3. Erase Loaded Resumé │
│ F4. Print Resumé │
│ F5. Quit │
│ │
│ Press the Function Key of Your Choice │
│ │
To make its use as easy as possible, SRP uses a menu and function key
interface where ever possible, as shown here. There are five choices from the
main menu, and you press the function key (F1-F5) which corresponds to your
choice. We begin with choice number one, Edit Resumé.
3. Entering resumé data
When you press F1 from the main menu, you will be shown the edit menu, which
looks like this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit Resumé Menu │
│ │
│ F1. Edit Entire Database │
│ F2. Personal Information │
│ F3. Job Objectives │
│ F4. High School Education │
│ F5. College Education │
│ F6. Military History │
│ F7. Employment History │
│ F8. References │
│ F9. Save Changes │
│ F10. Back to Main Menu │
│ │
│ Press the Function Key of Your Choice │
│ │
Use this menu to edit your resumé, either a new one or a previously saved one
(we will address loading a previously saved resumé a little later). For quick
data entry of all categories, press F1 (Edit Entire Database). This will bring
you through each of the seven data entry categories non-stop. Or you can edit
each piece of the database one at a time. We will look at each SRP screen in
the order presented in the above menu.
F2. Personal Information
You have come here by either pressing F1 to edit everything, or F2 to edit
just your Personal Information. Either way, you will see the following screen:
Personal Information
Full Name..............
Address Line 1.........
Address Line 2.........
City, State, Zip....... -
Home Phone.............
Work Phone (w/ext.).... x
Sex (M/F)..............
(S)ingle, (M)arried, (D)ivorced, (W)idowed..
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ Work Phone, Marital Status, and Sex are optional fields. When you │
│ print your resumé, you will be given the choice of including these │
│ fields or not. In general, Marital Status and Sex are not printed. │
Each of the fields is relatively self-explanatory, but we will go over each in
Full Name: Type in your full name as you wish it to appear on the resumé. You
are given 40 spaces to type your name.
Address Line 1, Address Line 2: Type in your address, also as you like it to
appear on your resumé. Two lines of 45 characters each are provided.
City, State, Zip: Type in your City, State, and Zip Code. The City field is
20 characters long. The State field is two characters long. It should hold
your two-letter state code. This field uppercases all input automatically.
The Zip field should hold your Zip code. Space is provided for either a five
or nine digit Zip code. If you do not enter a city, none of this information
will print on the resumé.
Home Phone: Type your home phone number, plus area code, into these two
Work Phone (w/ext.): Type your work phone number here, with area code. Four
characters are provided for an extension, if desired.
Sex (M/F): Enter either an M, F, or a blank here.
(S)ingle, (M)arried, (D)ivorced, (W)idowed: Note your marital status here by
typing an S, M, D, or W. You also may leave this field blank.
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
The help text also notes that the Work Phone, Sex, and Marital Status fields
are optional. Inclusion of these fields on the resumé will be determined by
you when you print the resumé. Also, if you enter invalid information (such as
an invalid area code) you will be shown an appropriate error message.
F3. Job Objectives
Knowing that we should not put all of our eggs in one basket, SRP is designed
to allow you maximum flexibility. Since everyone has multiple talents, your
resumé should be able to reflect each talent. The way you do that is by having
multiple objectives. If your main goal is to just find a job, then your
objectives will be multi-faceted. For example, here are two completely
disparate objectives that I put on two resumés during my job search:
"To acquire a position which makes use of my experience with MS-DOS based
"To acquire a position in print journalism as a reporter or copy-writer which
makes use of my experience and offers room for growth."
The point is to vary your offerings. It may even be to your benefit to
custom-tailor an objective to a particular position you are eying. It can give
the personnel representative the feeling that your goals match just what they
are looking for. If it is enough to get you into the door for an interview,
then it has been well worth it.
You will come here if you just entered your Personal History and had hit F1 at
the edit menu, or if you hit F3 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
such as this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit Objectives Menu │
│ │
│ The following Objective records exist: │
│ │
│ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
│ │
│ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
│ │
This box allows us to discuss the concept of the Keyword. This discussion
will apply to each of the remaining sections of the edit portion of SRP, so
read carefully.
The Keyword concept is used for two main reasons: First, by using a Keyword
for each of your Objectives, you can make quicker selections. No guessing
about which keyword you want to update or print. And second, the Keyword
concept helps save disk space. Instead of setting aside unneeded space inside
the data file for empty records, only those records with Keywords attached are
To choose an Objective (or any other data type in SRP), find the Keyword you
wish to edit. Press the function key corresponding to that Keyword (the phrase
"** Not Entered **" will appear if there is no Keyword (and hence, no data)
assigned to a function key). You will see the edit screen for this data type:
Job Objectives
Keyword for Objective...
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ To delete this record, leave the Keyword blank (you will be asked │
│ to confirm this action). │
│ │
│ A typical personnel professional can look at your resumé for only 10 sec- │
│ onds. This fact is sad but true. The Objective MUST make an impression. │
│ Tailor it to each employer. Stress how the company can benefit from │
│ hiring you, not how much you want the position (that's a given!). Word │
│ your Objective carefully. Ask a spouse or friend for their opinion. │
Keyword: Type the Keyword for this objective here. The Keyword may mean
something or not - it is up to you. If you leave the keyword blank and press
F1 to save the objective, the program will assume that you intend to delete
this objective. You will see the following dialog box:
│ Keyword Blank. Delete Record? N │
This gives you a chance to delete this record or save it. Say N (the default)
to save the record. You cannot save an objective with a blank keyword - you
must have something in this field to avoid this dialog box.
Objective: You are given three lines of 65 characters each to type your
objective. These lines are completely free-text. Some words of warning,
however. Do not hyphenate words from line to line. The print portion of the
program will keep these hyphens. Also, do not worry about extra spaces between
words. The print portion will flow the entire paragraph, deleting all extra
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input. The help text also reminds
you about leaving the Keyword blank.
The help text also gives a few notes about the purpose of the objective. Keep
these tips in mind as you type your objective.
Once you have entered all the objectives you wish, press ENTER. If you
pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the High School
Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go any
further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed F3
to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
F4. High School Education
You will come here if you just entered your Objectives and had hit F1 at the
edit menu, or if you hit F4 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box such
as this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit High School History Menu │
│ │
│ The following High School records exist: │
│ │
│ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
│ │
│ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
│ │
If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the High School
record you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
High School Education
Keyword for this High School... (Blank to Delete)
High School Name:
Location of HS (City, State)...
Years Attended/Diploma (Y/N)... 19 - 19 / N
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ Your High School records should account for all of your High School │
│ years. For each record, note the years at the High School. For │
│ example, Burlington High School, 83-85. Note if your diploma was │
│ from this High School by saying (Y)es to the Diploma question. If │
│ you have an equivalency certificate, note that in a High School record. │
We will go over each field in turn:
Keyword for this High School Record: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
High School Name: Type the name of the High School for this record. You are
given 45 spaces to type the High School name.
Location of HS (City, State): Type the city and state for this High School.
Years Attended/Diploma (Y/N): Type in the last two digits of the years you
attended this High School, and change the default N to a Y if you graduated
from this school.
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
The help text also instructs you on how to enter the dates attended, and how
to answer the Diploma question. If you got an equivalency certificate instead
of a High School diploma, note that fact in a High School record.
Once you have entered all the High School records you wish, press ENTER. If
you pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the College
Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go any
further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed F3
to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
F5. College Education
You will come here if you just entered your High School records and had hit F1
at the edit menu, or if you hit F5 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
such as this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit College History Menu │
│ │
│ The following College records exist: │
│ │
│ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
│ │
│ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
│ │
If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the College record
you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
College Education
Keyword for this College... (Blank to Delete)
Location of College........
Years Attended / Degree.... 19 - 19 /
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ Your College records should account for all of your College years. │
│ For each record, note the years at the College, your major there, │
│ and any degree received (abbreviation). For example, University of │
│ Vermont, 85-89, Political Science, BAPS. Fill in minor if applicable. │
We will go over each field in turn:
Keyword for this College Record: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
College: Type the name of the College for this record. You are given 45
spaces to type the College name.
Location of HS (City, State): Type the city and state for this College.
Years Attended/Degree: Type in the last two digits of the years you attended
this College, and type the abbreviation for the degree received, such as BAPS
(Bachelor of Arts in Political Science), MBA, etc.
Major/Minor: Type your major in the space provided. If you maintained a
minor, type it in the space provided. Thirty-five spaces are provided in each
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
The help text also instructs you on how to enter the dates attended, to be
sure to enter a major and minor, as well as the degree, and gives an example.
As it also mentions, for a complete resumé, be sure to take all dates into
Once you have entered all the College records you wish, press ENTER. If you
pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the Military
Experience Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go
any further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed
F3 to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
F6. Military History
You will come here if you just entered your College records and had hit F1 at
the edit menu, or if you hit F6 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
such as this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit Military History Menu │
│ │
│ The following Military records exist: │
│ │
│ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
│ │
│ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
│ │
If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the Military record
you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
Military History
Keyword for this Military record... (Blank to delete)
Branch of Service..................
Rank / MOS......................... /
Title or Duty Position.............
Stationed at.......................
Term of Service.................... 19 - 19
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ Use the Military records to show any history of military service. │
│ You will be given the choice of having these records print as a part of │
│ your employment history or separately. If the bulk of your experience │
│ is in the military, then use the Employment records instead. │
We will go over each field in turn:
Keyword for this Military Record: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
Branch of Service: Type the name of the service for which you served. There
are 25 spaces to type the branch of service name.
Rank / MOS: Input your four-character (or less) rank code (such as PFC or
BGEN) for rank. Also enter your MOS (Military Occupational Speciality) such as
19E or 19K (three characters).
Title or Duty Position: In the 35 spaces provided, type your title (such as
Company Commander) or Duty Position (such as Tank Gunner), which ever is more
applicable to you and would make more sense in a civilian context.
Stationed At: Fill in the town or base to which this record applies. You are
given 40 spaces to type this information.
Term of Service: Type in the last two digits of the years to which this record
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
The help text also instructs you to use the Military History section of SRP
instead of the employment section only if the bulk of your experience is not in
the military.
Once you have entered all the Military records you wish, press ENTER. If you
pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the Employment
Experience Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go
any further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed
F3 to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
F7. Employment History
You will come here if you just entered your Military records and had hit F1 at
the edit menu, or if you hit F7 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
such as this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit Employment Menu │
│ │
│ The following Employment records exist: │
│ │
│ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
│ │
│ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
│ │
If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the Employment record
you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
Employment History - Demographics
Keyword for this Employer... (Blank to Delete)
Name of Employer............
Address Line 1..............
Address Line 2..............
City, State, Zip............ -
Phone Number................
Employed From - To (MM/YY).. / - /
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 to advance to next screen. │
│ │
│ Leave the "Employed To" fields blank if this is you rcurrent employer. │
We will go over each field in turn:
Keyword for this Employer: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
Name of Employer: Type the name of the employer for this record. There are 40
spaces to hold this information.
Address Line 1, Address Line 2: You are given two lines of 45 characters each
to type the address of this employer.
City, State, Zip: Type the city, state, and Zip code of this employer. The
city field is 20 characters long. The state field should hold the two-
character abbreviation of the state. Input will automatically be entered in
caps. And Zip can be either a five or nine digit Zip code.
Phone Number: Type in the phone number for this employer.
Title: Type in your title here. You are provided with 35 characters to do so.
Supervisor: Type in the name of your supervisor in the 35 spaces provided.
Employed From - To (MM/YY): Type the month and year of your start and end
dates for this employer. If you are presently at this job, leave the "To"
fields blank. This will print as "Present" on your resumé.
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
Once you have entered all the Employer Demographic information you wish, press
F1. You will advance to this screen:
Employment History - Description
Keyword for this Employer... IDX
Name of Employer............ IDX
Describe Accomplishments and Duties:
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ This is a crucial part of your resumé. All personnel professionals want │
│ to see what you have accomplished in your career. Describe in detail │
│ those things that make you stand out from your collegues - this is no │
│ time for humility - sell yourself. Duty is second to accomplishment. If │
│ you run out of room for them, save your resumé to a file and edit it with │
│ your word processor. But whatever you do, list accomplishments first. │
This screen allows you to tell SRP what you did at this job.
Objective: You are given five lines of 65 characters each to type your job
description from this employer. These lines are completely free-text. The
same words of warning from the Objective free text apply here: Do not
hyphenate words from line to line. The print portion of the program will
retain these hyphens. Also, do not worry about extra spaces between words.
The print portion will flow the entire paragraph, deleting all extra spaces.
Note that this screen also includes information at the top of the screen
("Keyword for this employer," "Name of Employer," and "Title."). This
information is taken from the previous screen and is view-only. It may not be
changed on this screen. It is provided as a reminder about which job you are
entering for.
Press F1 when you have completed entering your description data. You will be
returned to the Employment menu.
Once you are done with all of your Employment records, press ENTER. If you
pressed F1 and came here in sequence, you will move on to the References
Keyword list. If you pressed F1 to come here and do not wish to go any
further, press F10. You will be returned to the edit menu. If you pressed F3
to come here, either ENTER or F10 will bring you back to the edit menu.
F8. References
You will come here if you just entered your Military records and had hit F1 at
the edit menu, or if you hit F7 at the edit menu. You will see a dialog box
such as this:
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Edit References Menu │
│ │
│ The following Reference records exist: │
│ │
│ F1. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F2. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F3. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F4. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F5. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F6. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F7. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F8. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F9. ** Not Entered ** │
│ F10. Return to Edit Menu │
│ │
│ Press function key, ENTER when done. │
│ │
If you need instructions on this Keyword box, see the discussion in F3.
Objectives. Then press the function key corresponding to the Reference record
you wish to edit. You will see a screen similar to this:
Keyword for this Reference...
Full Name of Reference.......
Relationship to you..........
Address Line 1...............
Address Line 2...............
City, State, Zip............. -
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
│ │
│ Ensure this reference will be a GOOD reference before using it! │
We will go over each field in turn:
Keyword for this Reference: Type a Keyword for this record, up to ten
Full Name of Reference: Type the full name of the reference here (first name
first, last name last). There are 35 spaces to hold this information.
Relationship to you: Type in this person's relationship to you in the 35
spaces provided.
Title: Type in the title that this person holds, if any.
Organization: Type the organization this person works for, if any. For
personal rather than business references, you will probably want to leave Title
and Organization blank.
Address Line 1, Address Line 2: You are given two lines of 45 characters each
to type the address of this reference.
City, State, Zip: Type the city, state, and Zip code of this reference. The
city field is 20 characters long. The state field should hold the two-
character abbreviation of the state. Input will automatically be entered in
caps. And Zip can be either a five or nine digit Zip code.
Phone Number: Type in the phone number for this reference.
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
Press F1 when you have completed entering your Reference record. You will be
returned to the Reference menu.
Once you are done with all of your Reference records, press ENTER. You may
also press F10 here. Either way, you will be brought back to the edit menu.
F9. Save Changes
Once you have finished editing your database, you will want to save the
information to a file for later retrieval and editing. This prevents you from
having to retype all of the information multiple times. When you press F9, you
will see:
│ Filename to Save: │
There are 50 characters provided for you to type a pathname and filename.
Obviously, all normal DOS file naming rules apply - eight characters with a
three character extension, etc. (see your DOS manual for more details).
If you leave the field blank (or, actually, if you leave the first character
of the field blank), SRP will assume you do not really wish to save and you
will be returned to the edit menu. If you enter a filename that exists, you
will see this warning:
│ File exists. Overwrite (Y/N)? N │
The default is No, but you may change this. You will probably WANT to say Yes
if you are overwriting an old version of a database file. The file will then
save, barring any media errors. You will then be returned to the edit menu.
F10. Back to Main Menu
Press this key if you are all done editing your file. If SRP detects that
your data may have changed since it was last saved, you will see the same
prompts detailed in the above section (F9. Save Changes). Otherwise, you will
be brought back out to the main menu.
F2. Load Saved Resumé
When you press F2 from the main menu, you will be see an entry box like this:
│ Filename to Load: │
Enter the filename of a previously saved resumé. If the name you entered was
invalid for some reason (invalid filename or path, for example), you will see:
Invalid Filename and/or Pathname. Press Any Key.
If the file you specify is not an SRP file, you will see this message:
File is not a Resumé file. Press Any Key.
You will also see one of several messages if the file you are loading is a
resumé file but is corrupt in some way. The message will tell you where in the
file the error occurred. If this happens, the best thing to do will be to get
the file to me somehow (via mail, CompuServe, or America OnLine) and I will see
if I can repair it for you.
Once you enter the name of a proper resumé file, you will be returned to the
main menu, where you can hit F1 to edit the resumé, or F3 to print the resumé.
If you leave the filename field blank and press ENTER (or if the first
character of the field is blank), you will be returned to the main menu and no
file will be loaded.
F3. Erase Loaded Resumé
Press F3 at the Main Menu to erase all of the contents of the currently loaded
resumé from memory (disk files are not effected). When you press F3, you will
see the following dialog box:
│ Erase resumé (Y/N)? N │
If you type N and press ENTER, you will be returned to the Main Menu. If you
type Y and press ENTER, the resumé will be deleted. Please be cautious with
this option - there is no recovery from it. SPR also assumes that if you press
this key, you mean to do so, and dos not prompt you to save your resumé
informatikon to a file if it has not already been saved.
4. Print Resumé.
After pressing F4 from the main menu, you will go to the Print Resumé menu.
│ │
│ Steve's Resumé Maker │
│ Print Resumé Menu │
│ │
│ F1. Print to File │
│ F2. Print to Printer in ASCII │
│ F3. Print to Epson Printer │
│ F4. Print Options Setup │
│ F5. Back to Main Menu │
│ │
│ Press the Function Key of Your Choice │
│ │
We will address each of the five choices in the pages to follow.
F1. Print to File
Pressing F1 will bring up the following dialog box:
│ Save to Filename: │
There are 50 characters provided for you to type a filename. Obviously, all
normal DOS file naming rules apply - eight characters with a three character
extension, etc. (see your DOS manual for more details).
If you leave the field blank (or, actually, if you leave the first character
of the field blank), SRP will assume you do not really wish to print your
resumé to a file and you will be returned to the print menu. If you enter a
filename that exists, you will see this warning:
│ File exists. Overwrite (Y/N)? N │
The default is No, but you may change this. You will probably WANT to say Yes
if you are overwriting an old copy of your resumé. SRP will print out your
resumé to the file in straight ASCII (unformatted) text. You will then be
returned to the print menu.
Information will print in the following order:
Phone Number(s)
College Education
High School Education
Military Experience
Employment History
Personal Information
Once the resumé is printed to the file, you may then do what you will with the
data. The most common use would be to import the file into a word processor
such as Word or WordPerfect, format it with special font codes, and print it
that way. You may also wish to see what the resumé will look like before you
actually print it.
If you press F1 and you have not yet loaded a resumé by pressing F2 at the
main menu, or if you have not input any information for a new resumé by using
the edit option (F1) from the main menu, then you will see this box:
│ Filename to Load: │
This is the same box that appears if you press F2 from the main menu. The
same warnings and errors, then, apply here as well as there. After entering a
proper resumé filename, you will see the box described above.
F2. Print to Printer in ASCII
F3. Print to Epson Printer
If you press either F2 or F3, SRP will print your resumé to the printer
attached to port LPT1 or PRN. The resumés generated by these two options are
identical except that the F3 (Epson) option will send formatting codes to the
printer to underline some information and bold print other. The F2 (ASCII)
option will send no formatting codes. The resumé will print in the same order
as detailed above in F1. Print to File.
If you press F2 or F3 and your printer is not ready in some way, you may see
one of the following messages:
Printer Timed Out.
Printer Out of Paper.
I/O Error with Printer.
If your printer is not powered on, you may not see any message at all.
Whether a turned-off printer will cause an error depends on your printer and
your computer.
Once the resumé has stopped printing, you will be returned to the print menu.
F4. Print Options Setup
If you press F4 from the print menu, you will see the following screen:
Print Options Setup - 1
Print name (R)egularly or in all (C)aps................ R
Print work number (Y/N)................................ N
Print Sex and Marriage info (Y/N)...................... N
Print which Objective (1-9, 0 for none)................ 1
Include High School info (Y/N)......................... Y
If Yes, include only Graduating High School (Y/N)...... Y
Print Supervisor name in Employment record (Y/N)....... Y
Print address of company in Employment record (Y/N).... Y
If printing references, print address (Y/N)............ N
If not, print "References available upon request" (Y/N) Y
Print "References..." (R)egularly or in all (C)aps..... R
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 to advance to next screen. │
This is the first of two screens. Print Options are saved with your resumé,
so you can set them once and forget them. Below, each field on this screen is
Print name (R)egularly or in all (C)aps: If you wish your name to print in
capital letters at the top of your resumé, place a C in this field. If there
is an R in this field, your name will print exactly as you typed in in the name
field of Personal History.
Print work number (Y/N): If you wish your work number (with extension, if
entered) to print on your resumé, place a Y in this field. Otherwise, type an
Print Sex and Marriage info (Y/N): If you wish this personal data to print on
your resumé, place a Y in this field. Otherwise, type an N.
Print which Objective (1-9, 0 for none): Type the number of the Objective you
wish to print with this resumé in this field. You may only print one Objective
per resumé. If you prefer no Objective, place a 0 in this field.
Include High School info (Y/N): If you wish to include information from your
High School records here, place a Y in this field. If you wish SRP to ignore
your High School records, place an N here.
If Yes, include only Graduating High School (Y/N): If you wish to print High
School information, but only information about the school from which you
graduated, place a Y here. This field will be ignored if you place an N in the
previous field.
Print Supervisor name in Employment record (Y/N): If you want the name of your
supervisor to print in your employment record, place a Y in this field. Often,
people do not wish that much detail to print. If this is the case, place an N
Print address of company in Employment record (Y/N): If you want the address
of your previous employers to print in the employment section of the resumé,
place a Y in this field. Often, people do not wish that much detail to print.
If this is the case, place an N here.
If printing references, print address (Y/N): You will be given the opportunity
to say which reference records to print later. In the meantime, if you will be
printing references, place a Y here if you wish the reference's address to
print in the reference section. Place an N here if not.
If not, print "References available upon request" (Y/N): If you are not
printing references, you have the option of printing the phrase "References
available upon request" on your resumé instead. Place a Y here if you want
this to print, or an N if not.
Print "References..." (R)egularly or in all (C)aps: If you answered Y to the
previous question, indicate if you wish the "References available upon request"
phrase to print in Caps or with a capital/small letter combination. Often, if
the name is printed in caps at the top of the resumé, this phrase will also be
printed in caps, to balance the page.
The help text on the bottom of the screen explains the keys available on this
screen. The ENTER, DownArrow, and TAB keys will all advance to the next field.
The UpArrow and the Shift-TAB keys will go back through the fields. Other keys
available in a field are Right and LeftArrow, BackSpace, Delete, Insert, Home,
and End. Press F1 when finished with your input.
Once you have entered all the Print Option formation you wish, press F1. You
will advance to this screen:
Print Options Setup - 2
In each category, place an X next to the records you wish
to include on your resumé. The numbers correspond to the
function key used to access each record.
College records to include...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Military records to include..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Employment records to include... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Reference records to include.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The resumé will be printed with High School, College, Military,
and Employment records sorted chronologically unless you specify
otherwise. Should these records be sorted (Y/N)................. Y
│ Use TAB, DownArrow or ENTER to move to next field. Use Shift-TAB or Up- │
│ Arrow to move to previous field. Press F1 when entries are complete. │
The fields on this screen are explained below:
College records to include...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: As explained in
the text at the top of this screen, place an X next to the numbers of the
college records you wish to print on the resumé. The numbers correspond to the
function key labels in the college keyword list. Leave the field blank if you
do not wish to print a record. If there is no keyword for a number you have
"x'ed", then SRP will ignore that number.
Military records to include..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: Place an X next to
the numbers of the military records you wish to print on the resumé. The
numbers correspond to the function key labels in the military keyword list.
Leave the field blank if you do not wish to print a record.
Employment records to include... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: Place an X next to
the numbers of the employment records you wish to print on the resumé. The
numbers correspond to the function key labels in the employer keyword list.
Leave the field blank if you do not wish to print a record.
Reference records to include.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: Place an X next to
the numbers of the reference records you wish to print on the resumé. The
numbers correspond to the function key labels in the reference keyword list.
Leave the field blank if you do not wish to print a record.
The resumé will be printed with High School, College, Military, and Employment
records sorted chronologically unless you specify otherwise. Should these
records be sorted (Y/N).................: Place a Y in this field for the
default of Yes. If you place an N here, the records will not be sorted and
they will print in the order they were entered in your resumé file. If Yes,
records will be sorted chronologically with one exception. The High School
records will be sorted with "graduation" records first, regardless of what the
dates of the rest of the records are.
Press F1 when you have completed entering your print option. You will then be
prompted if you wish to save the file. Since the printer information is
specific to each resumé file, any entries here are possible changes that you
wish to save. You will see the same prompts detailed in the section F9. Save
After saving your file (or not, as the case may be), you will be returned to
the print menu.
F5. Back to Main Menu
Pressing F5 at the print menu will return you to the main menu.
F5. Quit
Once you are back on the Main Menu, the final option is F5. Pressing F5 on
the main menu will return you to a DOS prompt. If SRP sees that you have not
saved your file and it has been edited, you will be given one last chance to
save it. You will see prompts similar to that explained in F9. Save Resumé.
SRP is shareware, and I retain all copyrights to the program. If you use and
like SRP, I request that you donate $15 to continue to use it. If you do, and
also send a diskette (5¼ or 3½ Double or High density), I will include any new
version of SRP, as well as any bonus utilities I have written at that time.
Please enclose an extra $1 to cover postage, and be sure to enclose your
If you would like to register your copy of SRP and would like me to send you a
diskette with the latest version of SRP on it, please send an extra $2 to cover
postage and diskette costs.
Also see PRICE.LST for an invoice and other ordering info. The latest
versions of all SRP can be downloaded from the IBMAPP forum on CompuServe or
from America On-Line.
You may now register SRP through CompuServe's Shareware Registration Service.
SRP is shareware program #103.
Steve Mount
RR 1 Box 320
Starksboro, VT 05487-9702
Contact me on CompuServe.....: 73720,3404
Contact me on America On-Line: Mountain
Call for ordering/support...........: (802) 453-5273
I have fax capability at the above number for orders, but you must call me to
have my fax set up before faxing (it is a card and shares the line with my
answering machine).